upcoming events


This is the latest update of Sayalay Dipankara’s schedule for Dhamma Talks, Retreats and Online Sessions.

* Due to uncertain times during COVID-19, the schedule might be subjected to change and cancellation.  We sincerely seek your kind understanding and apologise for any inconvenience caused, if any.

India Retreat 13-18 January 2024

All yogis must reach the centre on 12 January 2024.
Retreat closing ceremony
4pm on 18th January 2024.
Retreat Center Address:
Jhana Bhoomi, Chaparada, Kalamb Taluk, Yavatmal, Maharashtra, 445401 India 
Retreat Center map location: 
Indians only – Phone/WhatsApp no: +91 9561203635

For any enquiry:


Brahma Vihari Meditation Centre

Brahma Vihari Meditation Centre, Ye Chen Oh Village, Ward 12, Pyin Oo Lwin Township (Maymyo), Mandalay Division, Myanmar